Workflow implementation ======================= Workflows in `ewoks` are based on *networkx* graphs, both in terms of runtime representation and persistent representation. At runtime, links between nodes are hash links which provide a unique identifier for each task output. This identifier is used to save and load task outputs from external storage (e.g. HDF5). Hash links ---------- Hash links between tasks have these requirements: * changing task input values or links will change all output hashes of the downstream tasks and hence also their URI's to external storage * pass the actual data from one task to another or the associated URI's should result in the same outcome * task results should never be hashed because they can be large Hash implementation ------------------- The *universal hashing* in *ewoks* is currently based on SHA-256. The `UniversalHash` class representation a *universal hash* at runtime. Several builtin python types are *universally hasheable*: strings, numbers, mappings, sets and iterables. Custom types that are *universally hasheable* should derive from `UniversalHashable`. Tasks and task inputs and outputs are *universally hasheable* and are implementation as described in this class diagram: .. mermaid:: classDiagram UniversalHashable <|-- Variable Variable <|-- VariableContainer Variable --o VariableContainer UniversalHashable <|-- Task Task o-- VariableContainer class UniversalHashable{ -version -class_nonce #pre_uhash #class_uhash #instance_nonce #data_uhash() uhash() UniversalHash } class Variable{ value data_proxy: DataProxy } class VariableContainer{ value: Dictionary } class Task{ input_variables: VariableContainer output_variables: VariableContainer } UniversalHashable +++++++++++++++++ The return value of `UniversalHashable.uhash()` can be either * the *universal hash* of `pre_uhash` and `instance_nonce` when `instance_nonce` is provided on instantiation * equal to `pre_uhash` when `instance_nonce` is NOT provided on instantiation The value of `UniversalHashable.pre_uhash` can be either * provided on instantiation * the *universal hash* of `UniversalHashable.class_nonce` and the return value of `UniversalHashable.data_uhash()` The value of `UniversalHashable.class_nonce` is the *universal hash* of * the class full qualifier name * `UniversalHashable.version` * `UniversalHashable.class_nonce` of the base class Variable ++++++++ The return value of `Variable.data_uhash()` is `Variable.value` or `None` when hashing is disabled. The `Variable.data_proxy` provides read-write access to the `Variable` data in external storage. A `DataProxy` generates a `DataUri` for a root URI and a `UniversalHashable` (in this case a `Variable`). For example when the root URI is `"/tmp/dataset_name.nx?path=scan_name/task_results/var1"` then the `DataUri` will look like this * `.json:///tmp/dataset_name/scan_name/task_results/var1/6872c154c80bfcda0a9a769e3c1b4c85b8a56ad8d022d5c5da3ef9c036bc1e01.json` * `.nexus:///tmp/dataset_name.nx?path=scan_name/task_results/var1/6872c154c80bfcda0a9a769e3c1b4c85b8a56ad8d022d5c5da3ef9c036bc1e01` Example: ++++++++ A task which takes a single integer as input and an array as output .. code:: python class MyTask(Task, input_names=["N"], output_names=["array"]): def run(self): self.outputs.array = random(self.inputs.N) When instantiating `MyTask`, the following happens .. code:: python self.input_variables = VariableContainer(value={“N”: N}) self.output_variables = VariableContainer(value={“array”: self.MISSING_DATA}, pre_uhash=input_variables, instance_nonce=self.class_nonce()) self.pre_uhash = self.output_variables The *universal hash* of the task is equal to the *universal hash* of the output container. The input variable container instantiates this variable .. code:: python input_variables["N"] = Variable(value=100000) # N is a `Variable` (task input in this case) # It’s value is 100000 # It’s uhash is calculated from the value The output variable container instantiates this variable .. code:: python output_variables["array"] = Variable(value=output_variables.MISSING_DATA, pre_uhash=output_variables.pre_uhash, instance_nonce=(output_variables.instance_nonce, "array")) # array is a `Variable` (task output in this case) # It’s value is not yet defined (set in the `run` method) # It’s uhash is not calculated from the value but from the uhash of the task input container This scheme ensures that the hash of a single output variable depends on all upstream inputs and does not depend on its value . The output variables take the `MyTask.class_nonce()` as an instance nonce to ensure that different tasks with identical upstream inputs produce.